Monday, October 19, 2015



what is difference between CDMA and GSM?  
What is GPRS? What is Ionospheric bending? 
What is RFID?
Explain in detail how does a microwave oven works?
Explain about AM and FM?why is cellular signal hexagonal? 
What is difference between c and c++? 
Write a program to explain method overloading and overriding? 

The following are the rounds conducted after written exam in CTS.
                          1.Group discussion
                          2.technical and
 In group discussion they have given us a random topic like "My favourite movie" and asked every one to talk on it for 2-3 min.prior to talking they have given 2 min for thinking.There was  no elimination in any of the rounds.They declared the result by calculating over all performance.
Following are the questions asked in Technical round:
 -about antennas and different types of antennas
 -real time applications of antennas
 -about project
 -asked to draw the circuit diagram of the project and asked to explain the  working.
 -real time applications of our project.
 -about the topics in MWE and VLSI.
 -FPGA'S and PLD'S and asked explanation about them.
 -about flipflops and their types
 -T flipflop and asked what is T and its operation.
 -registers and about shift register.
 -counters and various types like ring,johnson counters and asked to explain.
 -sorting techniques in C and asked me to write program for merge sort and asked   to explain upto some iterations.
 -asked me to write a program to copy the contents of one file to other and explain   it.
 -I have mentioned C++ in resume, so he asked me about OOPS concepts.
 -In polymorphism about function overloading and asked me to explain with the    help of a program. 
   Following are the questions in h.r:
 -tell me something interest about you.
 -you are from ECE background and why you want to get into an IT industry.
 - do you think you are flexible?
 -tell me 5 places you have visited other than your hometown.
 -can you relocate yourself.
 -Do you have any questions for me.

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